July 31, 2013

Phen375 fat burner & appetite suppressant ingredients

What makes a slimming product works or does not work, it is the quality and effectiveness of weight loss ingredients it contains.

If a product contains less effective ingredients, it will affect your weight loss.

On the contrary, if a slimming product contains powerful and effective ingredients, your weight loss will be faster and bigger.

Phen 375 is an appetite suppressant that comes under the category of Debons slimming products that contain ingredients that help you lose weight and finally achieve your goal of weight loss.

What are the ingredients of Phen 375?

Phen 375 is composed of four main active ingredients.


Capsicum is a plant of the family of tomato. Also known as the capsicum, capsaicin. This is the generic name that we also give the peppers, who know the benefits of weight loss.

Capsaicin has an effect on thermogenesis by increasing it. When thermogenesis is stimulated, energy expenditure is increased and it allows further promote weight loss.

In addition, capsaicin acts on the utilization of fatty acids and thus, lipid degradation and burning fat and sugars are accelerated.

It also acts as an appetite suppressant because this ingredient causes a slight burning sensation in the stomach and the effect of being full (e) is faster. The less you eat, the less calories you consume and you will lose weight.

This ingredient is great to help you lose weight faster.


We all know that caffeine is present especially in coffee, energy drinks and soft drinks.

Studies show that caffeine is a stimulant of the nervous system, promotes fat burning and it necessarily promote weight loss.

Caffeine, as it is a stimulant, also allows a more regular bowel movements. It contributes to a better elimination and reduce water retention.

Losing water, it will result in weight loss at the balance.

It's like us women when we ovulons or are menstruating. We take "weight" but in fact, it is only water retention. After menstruation, it "loses" the weight of the water in fact.

Finally, caffeine or coffee consumption acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

Citrus aurantium

The other ingredient in Phen 375 can be intensified action fat burner. Your body becomes a "machine" to burn and metabolize fat.

Citrus aurantium also increases thermogenesis which increases energy expenditure and body converts fat into energy.


This ingredient helps to facilitate the transport of fatty acids across the membrane to be metabolized more quickly. L-Carnitine plays a role in the production of protein and good muscle function.

The other ingredients

Buyer of Phen 375, you will see on the bottle list of other ingredients in this appetite suppressant to help you undoubtedly lose weight and achieve your goal of weight loss.

Here is a list of other ingredients that we find in the 375 Phen:

Microcrystalline cellulose
Tablet coating (hydroxypropylmethlcellulose, talc, polydextrose, medium chain triglycerides, maltodextrin, colors (titanium dioxide, indigo, culvert, 4R, quinolone yellow), anti-caking agents (sillicon dioxide, stearic acid), sodium cross carmelose
To learn more about Phen 375 and find all the offers that are available to you CLICK HERE


  1. Proto-col Slim-Fizz is a unique appetite suppressant which contains the groundbreaking fibre Glucomannan, which is an organic dissolvable fibre extracted from high quality fresh Konjac.
